Deeplearning4j: Open-source, distributed deep learning for the JVM

Deeplearning4j is the first commercial-grade, open-source, distributed deep-learning library written for Java and Scala. Integrated with Hadoop and Spark, DL4J is designed to be used in business environments, rather than as a research tool. Skymind is its commercial support arm.Deeplearning4j aims to be cutting-edge plug and play, more convention than configuration, which allows for fast prototyping for non-researchers. DL4J is customizable at scale. Released under the Apache 2.0 license, all derivatives of DL4J belong to their authors.By following the instructions on our Quick Start page, you can run your first examples of trained neural nets in minutes.

Source: Deeplearning4j: Open-source, distributed deep learning for the JVM

svchost.exe high memory usage – wuauserv

In my experience, when wuauserv starts eating memory, the best thing to do is to wait until it finishes installing the updates and then reboot.

If you can’t or aren’t willing to reboot now, you can always reset wuauserv with the following BAT script (right click & run as administrator):

net stop wuauserv
net stop bits
rd /s /q %windir%\softwaredistribution
net start bits
net start wuauserv
wuauclt.exe /detectnow

Hope it helps.

Source: svchost.exe high memory usage – wuauserv

Bypassing censorship by using obfsproxy and openVPN , SSH Tunnel | Container of Scribbles

Syrian ISPs are using sophisticated technologies to monitor and filter traffic. These boxes are DPI (Deep Packet Inspection) and what they do is sniff out every little packet flowing through them to find specific patterns and then they provide their administrator with the option to block traffic that matches these patterns. These boxes are very sophisticated and they don’t just filter traffic by src, dst or port, they filter traffic by the content the packets carry.

Continue reading “Bypassing censorship by using obfsproxy and openVPN , SSH Tunnel | Container of Scribbles”

Convert keys between GnuPG, OpenSsh and OpenSSL –

OpenSSH to OpenSSL

OpenSSH private keys are directly understable by OpenSSL. You can test for example:

openssl rsa -in ~/.ssh/id_rsa -text
openssl dsa -in ~/.ssh/id_dsa -text

So, you can directly use it to create a certification request:

openssl req -new -key ~/.ssh/id_dsa -out myid.csr

You can also use your ssh key to create a sef-signed certificate:

openssl x509 -req -days 3650 -in myid.csr -signkey ~/.ssh/id_rsa -out myid.crt

Notice I have not found how to manipulate ssh public key with OpenSSL

Continue reading “Convert keys between GnuPG, OpenSsh and OpenSSL –”

What are the key differences between Scala and Groovy? – Stack Overflow

They’re both object oriented languages for the JVM that have lambdas and closures and interoperate with Java. Other than that, they’re extremely different.Groovy is a “dynamic” language in not only the sense that it is dynamically typed but that it supports dynamic meta-programming.Scala is a “static” language in that it is statically typed and has virtually no dynamic meta-programming beyond the awkward stuff you can do in Java. Note, Scala’s static type system is substantially more uniform and sophisticated than Java’s.Groovy is syntactically influenced by Java but semantically influenced more by languages like Ruby.Scala is syntactically influenced by both Ruby and Java. It is semantically influenced more by Java, SML, Haskell, and a very obscure OO language called gBeta.Groovy has “accidental” multiple dispatch due to the way it handles Java overloading.Scala is single dispatch only, but has SML inspired pattern matching to deal with some of the same kinds of problems that multiple dispatch is meant to handle. However, where multiple dispatch can only dispatch on runtime type, Scala’s pattern matching can dispatch on runtime types, values, or both. Pattern matching also includes syntactically pleasant variable binding. It’s hard to overstress how pleasant this single feature alone makes programming in Scala.Both Scala and Groovy support a form of multiple inheritance with mixins (though Scala calls them traits).Scala supports both partial function application and currying at the language level, Groovy has an awkward “curry” method for doing partial function application.Scala does direct tail recursion optimization. I don’t believe Groovy does. That’s important in functional programming but less important in imperative programming.Both Scala and Groovy are eagerly evaluated by default. However, Scala supports call-by-name parameters. Groovy does not – call-by-name must be emulated with closures.Scala has “for comprehensions”, a generalization of list comprehensions found in other languages (technically they’re monad comprehensions plus a bit – somewhere between Haskell’s do and C#’s LINQ).Scala has no concept of “static” fields, inner classes, methods, etc – it uses singleton objects instead. Groovy uses the static concept.Scala does not have built in selection of arithmetic operators in quite the way that Groovy does. In Scala you can name methods very flexibly.Groovy has the elvis operator for dealing with null. Scala programmers prefer to use Option types to using null, but it’s easy to write an elvis operator in Scala if you want to.Finally, there are lies, there are damn lies, and then there are benchmarks. The computer language benchmarks game ranks Scala as being between substantially faster than Groovy (ranging from twice to 93 times as fast) while retaining roughly the same source size. benchmarks.I’m sure there are many, many differences that I haven’t covered. But hopefully this gives you a gist.Is there a competition between them? Yes, of course, but not as much as you might think. Groovy’s real competition is JRuby and Jython.Who’s going to win? My crystal ball is as cracked as anybody else’s.

Source: What are the key differences between Scala and Groovy? – Stack Overflow