The Rule of Three

Here’s a guideline Don Roberts gave me: The first time you do something, you just do it. The second time you do something similar, you wince at the duplication, but you do the duplicate thing
anyway. The third time you do something similar, you refactor.

Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code

Linux Ubuntu 11

lagi coba ubuntu terbaru.. dan mantabbbbbb… 1 CD, semua udah kompleeeeettttt.. firefox mp3 player ( biarpun harus donlod codec dulu tapi gpp lah.. ) dan yang paling penting fitur buat nulis k ntfs.. jadi bisa minimal install tapi pake ntfs buat taruh file.. manyus brur


Technology exceptions should be converted into business exceptions. Suppose the method returns a technology exception such as RemoteException. Then the interface is tied  to a particular implementation. Instead, the method should return a business exception, such as UnableToObtainIngredients. If more detailed information is required for  debugging purposes, it can be placed as data within the business exception.

Pragmatic Interface Oriented Design.

Avast 6

baru update Avast nie.. ada fitur baru, Sandbox mode namanya.. cukup menjanjikan kayaknya. bisa jalan virus di situ kali y.. nti kapan2 di coba dechh.

Donlod Avast dan Registrasi, gretongan gan.. 🙂

Start moving..

Java is moving away from its base. Hard-core enterprise problems may be easier to solve, but the simplest problems are getting harder to solve. And…

Java is showing signs of wear, and interesting innovations are beginning to appear outside of Java. So…

It’s time to start paying attention again.

Beyond Java (O’Reilly, 2005)

Selamat Tinggal Three

Haaaahhhhh… akhirnya cerai juga sama paket three internet yang biasa gw pake lebih dari setengah tahun, lelet banget di tempat tinggal gw.. beda klo dipake di kantor, koneksinya wuzz..wuzz.. da komplein, setelah 3 hari pun ga ada pencerahan..capek.. koneksi ga bisa lebih dari 5-10 kBps klo diatas jam 7 pagi, kenceng2nya cuma subuh2…hahahahhaha…dodol. sapa yang internet jam segitu… capek dechhhh..
Akhirnya rujuk kembali dengan Axis, biarpun lebih mahal 50ribu tapi pake dirumah puasssssss… ga makan hati.. Ini pake Axis, bisa wuzz..wuzz..wuzz..

Options +FollowSymLinks

Cuma kutipan kecil sie.. tapi cukup membuat gw pusing waktu install beberapa CMS di server ini. ternyata :

host may have +FollowSymLinks enabled at the root level, yet disallow its addition in .htaccess; in which case, adding +FollowSymLinks will break your setup (probably a 500 error), so just remove it, and your rules should work fine.

jadi, mungkin sewaktu kita definisiin lagi option tersebut server akan error karena di rootnya sudah ada pengaturan tersebut. baru sekedar asumsi klo dibaca dari kutipan tersebut. tapi saran gw klo ketemu kode 500 ( server error ) sewaktu installasi Drupal atau WordPress, langsung aja option itu di comment.